Reviews for Senior High School Entrance Examination were coming to an end and students were about to step into the examination rooms to meet the challenge. Upon the critical moment, on the morning of 3rd June, Junior High Department of the east campus convened the pre-exam guiding convention, which was chaired by Principal Assistant& Junior High Director Ling Qian. In the meantime, Junior High Deputy Director Hu Sen and all teachers& students from Grade 9 were in attendance.
To begin with, Principal Assistant Ling issued guidance for students concerning review preparations afterwards. He demanded that at this very moment, students should lay emphasis on textbooks to have a definite object in view instead of doing tons of exercises.
Furthermore, Principal Assistant Ling put forward suggestions for students with regard to specific requirements before, during& after the Entrance Examination for Secondary School in addition to matters that need attention. With these meticulous recommendations, all students present listened attentively and took notes earnestly.
Last but not the least, Principal Assistant Ling helped students relieve stress to optimistically greet the exam via some examples.
In summary, only by means of calm and patient mindset as well as adequate preparation can we have the final win in the Senior High School Entrance Examination. This conference provided Grade 9 students with a great many feasible& effective methods and tactics. We firmly believe that our students shall draw upon the general meeting to scientifically prepare for the exam unhurriedly, bringing their superiority into full play& achieving excellent performances.